We often get questions about the large metal cross on our grounds. Designed by Shadowcliff founders, Reverend Warren Rempel and his wife, Patt, it was built and placed on The Point as a memorial to their eldest son, Scott Rempel, who died of AIDS in 1989. The transparent cross was designed as an open symbol for all to look through to see the Divine in whatever form they identify- in the beauty of the mountains, lakes, sky…
The memorial cross stands on the highest point of rock, overlooking the lakes, the stream, and the mountains offering a place of reflection and a reminder to all. Seeing through the transparent cross on The Point to the beauty in every direction, Warren and Patt wanted to offer an opportunity to discover the sacredness of all creation that inspired them to devote their lives, and most of their personal resources, to visioning, creating, and co-directing Shadowcliff. As Warren once said, Shadowcliff has “a spiritual culture that embraces inclusiveness and acceptance, and is a proclamation of the universality of God’s human family and the sacredness of all creation.” We feel strongly about our important role in continuing to uphold those cherished beliefs at Shadowcliff and in the world.
Warren once said that the memorial “is not presented as any exclusive claim upon spiritual truth, but it does represent the motivation center from which the Shadowcliff Dream summoned its driving energy.” He often said the cross inspired many deep discussions between himself and guests at Shadowcliff as they shared with each other their own personal journeys. The cross memorial is but one symbol of transcendent spiritual power, and of a transcendent self-giving love.
Over the years, persons of many faiths and from no particular faith say that they find the Shadowcliff environment spiritually welcoming and energizing without being intimidating or obtrusive. They share in the beauty and holiness of the earth, and in whatever form the Divine exists that inspires them to reflect upon their own personal journey.
Warren and Patt, who modeled much of their lives after the open compassionate love of Jesus and Gandhi, loved to share this quote by Gandhi: “If we all are going to sit down at the same table, what difference does it make through which door we enter?” They built Shadowcliff on the values that welcomed and included people from all faiths and those of no faith, from every culture and sexual orientation, the wealthy and the poor, and people from all walks of life. Shadowcliff was inspired by this spirit and was built to allow others to experience the sacred sanctuary of natural unspoiled beauty, which encourages each of us to reflect and enjoy the process of finding our own way home.