It’s Time (Gift of Story 2022)

Gift of Story with Laurie Gudim

Registration deadline Monday, Feb 21st.

Course begins Thursday, March 3rd.




Dear Friends,
As the Pandemic continues to assail us with new variants and our isolation and inability to plan and execute “normal” life events stretches on, a lot of people are finding themselves faced with the opportunity to discover where their deepest sense of priorities lie.  Many are making big changes, some with precariously little forethought.  We are asking ourselves:  What do we really care about?  How do we want to engage in the rest of our lives?  Who is truly important to us?

A helpful tool in guiding the process of self-discovery is writing down and sharing the stories of our lives. Recalling and telling the tales that have formed us is helpful in generating a deeper understanding of who we are and where we need to focus in the months and years ahead. It is also a practice that creates strong bonds of love and understanding. And it is a valuable tool in guiding those under our care as they make their own decisions in the months ahead.

This year the Gift of Story Online Retreat will focus on the family and community connections that have shaped and continue to shape our sense of who we are and what we need to be doing with our lives. We’ll explore our relationships to family and friends. We’ll examine the conscious and unconscious expectations that rein us in or empower us as we seek to manifest who we most truly are. Then we’ll look at what we repress and what we try not to acknowledge in ourselves – in other words, at the Shadow. Finally we will tease out where and how our inner longings and guidance seek to bring us more satisfaction and joy.

You will never be required to share, but being a good listener to others’ offerings is essential.

I hope you will join us!  
Your facilitator, Laurie Gudim
Laurie Gudim is a retired psychotherapist whose practice spanned over 30 years. With an M.A., in professional psychology extensive experience in lay leadership in the Episcopal Church, and training and experience in eliciting spiritual autobiographies from people of all faith traditions or none, Gudim has a deep reverence for the wisdom of individuals in relationship with that which is holy or spiritual to them.


6 Weeks starting Thursday, March 3rd – April 7th

3-5 PM Mountain Standard Time

$275 to join in!

Stay Tuned… info coming soon regarding the return of Gift of Story onsite retreat!


Register now!

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