Legacy Giving Program
To nurture and sustain the mission of Shadowcliff...

"I have had a 45 year love affair with Shadowcliff. Every summer it renews and restores that goodness deep inside which is now shared with two generations of my extended family. My legacy gift will continue to pay it forward."
- Eldonna Sylvia

When you contribute to Inspiring the Journey, you help ensure there will be a space for all those in the future. Designating your gift through your will or estate is flexible and straightforward. You can:
Provide for a specific amount or asset to go to Shadowcliff using the suggested language:
“I hereby give, devise, and bequest [$ dollars or description of property] to Shadowcliff, a nonprofit organization located located in Grand Lake, Colorado, Federal Tax ID 75-30008627, for Shadowcliff ’s general use and purpose.”
Provide for a percentage of your estate to Shadowcliff using the suggested language:
“I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Shadowcliff, a nonprofit organization located in Grand Lake, Colorado, Federal Tax ID 75-30008627, [percentage] of my estate to be used for Shadowcliff ’s general use and purpose.”
Provide for the rest, residue, and remainder of your estate to Shadowcliff using the suggested language:
“I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Shadowcliff, a nonprofit organization located in Grand Lake, Colorado, Federal Tax ID 75-30008627, [all or a percentage] of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to be used for Shadowcliff ’s general use and purpose.”

The Shadowcliff Legacy Society honors those that have decided to leave a legacy through a gift in their will, trust, retirement account, financial account, or life insurance policy.
To join the Shadowcliff Legacy Society, all you need to do is share with us that you have made a gift to Shadowcliff in your estate plans. Membership is voluntary and without obligation. As a member of the Shadowcliff Legacy Society, you will be acknowledged on our website and in our annual report unless you choose to remain anonymous.
You will also be celebrated in the Shadowcliff Legacy Garden as gifts are received.

If you have already provided for Shadowcliff in your estate plan, we would appreciate learning your intention. Please complete a Letter of Intent so that we may have a written record of your generosity.
Please return the Letter of Intent to PO Box 658, Grand Lake, CO 80447, or email: [email protected].
The Letter of Intent is non-binding and strictly for our records, plus it ensures you will become a member of the Shadowcliff Legacy Society.