by Jay Liebenguth
A Wild Mind training is coming to Shadowcliff this Summer.
Based on Bill Plotkin’s newest book, Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche, this 5-day intensive is an experiential exploration of our human psyches as unique expressions of the universal forces and patterns of nature.
The course is presented by the Animas Valley Institute, founded more than 30 years ago by Plotkin, and based in Durango. They offer a rich assortment of nature-based, soul encounter programs for adults.

“We offer contemporary nature-based practices that facilitate an encounter with soul – the one unique place in this world that can only occupied by you,” according to Jessie Gellings, the Program Manager at Animas.
Our wild minds possess astonishing resources, untapped potentials and depths that we might not even know exist until we discover how to access them, cultivate their powers, and eventually integrate them into our everyday lives.
This particular program, Wild Mind, will be held at Shadowcliff August 19th-23rd. Sixteen participants, guided by Gene Dilworth and Sage Magdalene, will explore the landscape of the psyche through a variety of practices, including creative expression, self-designed ceremony, solo exercises while wandering on the land, group work, movement, voice dialogue, journaling, and deep imagery work.
“This course is open to anyone. It should especially appeal to people who have a feeling that there’s some sort of gap, or something is amiss, or someone that is aware they have a need for self healing,” Jessie said.
Which is potentially everyone.
“The people who have the potential to be most affected are those who are open to the power of the natural world and who are willing to play and be in relationship with the natural world,” she added. “We believe this program is not only healing, but also ‘wholing’.”

Animas recognizes that those who work directly with people like therapists, coaches, teachers and facilitators, are seeking more training and is developing a new program for professionals –the Wild Mind Training Proram. This Wild Mind intensive will be a prerequisite for that.
We asked Jessie why they chose Shadowcliff to host their intensive.
“We like to offer occasional programs closer to the front range. And, the nature of the programs is such that we need places surrounded by huge tracts of wild open space, as the land is an integral part of our program. That was a big benefit to us, that Shadowcliff has so much access to land.”
“We also like to have good, high quality food that leans toward conscientious cooking; organic and sourced from low impact, respectful sources. And, we knew that was something that Shadowcliff focuses on as well.”
“It’s in alignment with what we try to provide to our participants,” Jessie said.
Us, too.
Jay Liebenguth is a business journalist focused on gaining insights from talking with business leaders and sharing their stories with his audience. He produces and hosts two radio shows each week to introduce you to some of the rising stars in the business community and to expose you to new and proven concepts from people who have “been there, done that.” His format provides visibility, credibility, and direct “why to buy” publicity for his guests. He interviews over 250 people per year, most in a live, unedited setting.
Jay has been an active member of Shadowcliff’s marketing committee since 2012.