Gratitude Update

A CAMPAIGN OF GRATITUDE … 17 days remaining!

Update:  As of today, we have reached 35% of our $30,000 goal.  Now is the time to help fulfill our pledge to the Rempel legacy.   We need your help to meet the $30,000 goal by September 30th to receive the 100% matching fund pledge dollars.

The Legacy: Patt and Warren Rempel’s vision has touched thousands of lives over many decades. Through the Campaign of Gratitude, we’ve been hearing some amazing stories of just how much their work has meant and how important it is to keep the mission alive for generations to come.

One such story comes from Allison Reser, a former Shadowcliff Board member…

Shadowcliff came to me during my post-graduation slump. As I’m sure many people experience, the transition from being a student to an unemployed adult was very challenging. I was questioning my own value and missing the enriching lifestyle of my college days. It felt like I was seeking for purpose but not finding any. During this time, my Aunt Joni, a former Shadowcliff board member, nominated me to serve on Shadowcliff’s board. I knew nothing of Shadowcliff prior to this, or anything about serving on a nonprofit board. But this opportunity ended up providing some of the purpose and enrichment my life was lacking. I was welcomed onto the board by individuals I now consider mentors and friends. I learned a lot about leadership, communication, and compassion. Plus, Shadowcliff itself is my sanctuary. It is a special oasis for me to relax, connect, and ponder larger purpose, all things that are hard to do in the hustle and bustle of young adult city life. I am so thankful for this place, and for the people who helped me through a floundering time of my life.

Remember:  Each dollar given to the “Campaign of Gratitude” will be matched if we reach our goal by September 30th!

Learn more about the campaign here!

Donate now!  (by September 30th for a 100% match — dollar for dollar)  

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