One Week Left! 60 Donors = $3,000 Bonus Gift!

New! $3,000 Match for Last Week

We've added 40 monthly donors since June. Help us get to 60 and we get an extra $3,000 match!
Sign up for a recurring monthly donation at ANY AMOUNT to help us reach our campaign goal of 60 new recurring donors in 6 weeks.
This is the last week of our "60 in 6" campaign, and we have a fantastic opportunity to "unlock" a final matching gift. We need you in this final stretch!
THANK YOU to all of our recurring donors, new and established. You are helping to create a firm foundation for Shadowcliff's future.
With gratitude,
Shadowcliff Leadership
Share this "I <3 Shadowcliff" badge on social media by right-clicking the above image and save to your device. Look for a new badge design each week!
We are proud to say that 100% of our board members and advisory council are participating in the "60 in 6" campaign!
Join with our committed leadership through a recurring donation today!
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