Dear Friends,
Living out our own stories — instead of the tales given us by societal obligation, family embeddedness, and peer affiliation — is actually harder than it might seem. Â As we look at our lives, especially the moments of greatest meaning, how is it we choose to follow our hearts? Â How and when have we given ourselves to our own personal destiny? Â What do our lives tell us about who we really are? Join with us to make and share meaning!
I hope you will join us!
Your facilitator, Laurie Gudim
Register now
W H A T ‘ S Â I N C L U D E D ?
4 Online Lectures / 4 Sharing Facilitated Sharing Sessions
Lecture 1
What really gives us joy? There are four arenas (at least) for self-encounter and -exploration: the physical, the intellectual, the emotional, and the spiritual. In each, who are we each? Where have we sacrificed and where have we developed?
Lecture 2
What have our responsibilities taught us? Taking on a long-term commitment, whether it is a relationship, a job, or a project of some sort shapes who we are. Psychological development depends on these sorts of engagements. How has what you have committed to changed and matured you?
Lecture 3
The wonderful world of long term relationships. What in particular does a long term relationship with another person develop within us? (Long term relationships take many forms. Children and life partners are the most common, but there are others.)
Lecture 4
What has our spiritual journey taught us? In many ways, any journey is a spiritual journey. We will be looking in particular here at the relationship with the transpersonal, however we name it. What were we taught as children, how did our sense of the Holy develop over time, and what is it like now?
Sunday May 9th is Mother’s Day!
Haven’t found the perfect gift yet? Consider this virtual workshop for a special gift of self-reflection and discovery!
Sign up now!