This September — Gift of Story at Shadowcliff!

Look who’s checking in at the Office!  Join us!


Gift of Story with Laurie Gudim

September 19 – September 23

4 nights lodging & meals

$835 (Single occupancy)  $615 (Double)


Dear Friends, 
I look forward to gathering with you at Shadowcliff this September! Together we will be looking at how interactions with the natural world have shaped our history and our daily lives.
The program will include a well balanced mixture of instruction, sharing, personal writing and experience time.
Topics we might engage together:
  • Shape your stories of belonging — to one another, to a particular natural-world place . . . The natural world in which we earthlings always move . . . how does it invite and partner you?
  • Make conscious your connections. . . that particular, twisted old cottonwood. . . the generations of swallows who. . . I know I have arrived home when I see/smell/hear. . . I touch ‘home’, and that allows me to . . .
  • Story as legacy and as discernment.  Kate Wolff:  “Find out what you care about and live a life that shows it.” — For our own self-edification and as an inspiration to others. . . How will I tell them what my most important treasure is if it is a cloud or a glacier?


I hope you will join us for this exploration!
Sincerely,  Laurie

Laurie Gudim is a retired psychotherapist whose practice spanned over 30 years. With an M.A., in professional psychology extensive experience in lay leadership in the Episcopal Church, and training and experience in eliciting spiritual autobiographies from people of all faith traditions or none, Gudim has a deep reverence for the wisdom of individuals in relationship with that which is holy or spiritual to them.

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