Mary Silwance Presents: Deconstructing Sustainability to Reconstruct Relationship

Deconstructing Sustainability to Reconstruct Relationship


Shadowcliff board member, Mary Silwance, will present these sessions offered by the Sustainable Sanctuary Coalition, the Environmental Action Committee of Village Church, and Earthkeepers of Heartland Presbyterian.



Deconstructing Sustainability to Reconstruct Relationship
Monday, February 28 and Monday, March 7
7:00-8:30 p.m. CDT


Presented by Mary Silwance
Join on Zoom here (details below)


About the Program
While the sustainability movement of the Global North has been around nearly 30 years, each year our ecological plight worsens. Despite green initiatives from various sectors of society, all indices reflect an increasingly unhabitable planet.

Why is that?
In this two-part series, we will dive into sustainability to explore where we’re falling short. We will then consider how to approach it from an intersectional lens, incorporating spirituality and justice so that the needs, limitations, perspectives and possibilities heretofore left out can be welcomed. These lenses offer insight into the prevailing paradigm to help us reimagine sustainability in terms of a broader and deeper practice of community.

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