Sustainable River Hydroecosystems Workshop: June 29 – July 1

SUSTAINING RIVER HYDROECOSYSTEMS Sponsored by CASFM and CRA 12:00 p.m. June 29 – 5:00 p.m. July 1, 2014   Course Description The Colorado Association of Stormwater and Floodplain Managers and the Colorado Riparian Association are pleased to offer this workshop. Applying the concepts and principles of freshwater ecosystem structure and function to develop a multidisciplinary

Sustainable River Hydroecosystems Workshop: June 29 – July 1 Read More »

Shadowcliff Announces the Bob Mann and Judith Christy Laws of Nature Interpretative Trail Dedication Ceremony May 31st

Shadowcliff Announces the Bob Mann and Judith Christy Laws of Nature Interpretative Trail Dedication Ceremony May 31st (Grand Lake, CO) – Shadowcliff Mountain Lodge, an eco-friendly mountain sanctuary that has been serving Grand Lake visitors for over 30 years, will be hosting a Dedication Ceremony of The Bob Mann and Judith Christy Laws of Nature Interpretative Trail on Saturday

Shadowcliff Announces the Bob Mann and Judith Christy Laws of Nature Interpretative Trail Dedication Ceremony May 31st Read More »

Water, Water Everywhere Workshop: August 24-27

Water, Water Everywhere But Not a Drop To ….August 24-27, 2014 Shadowcliff is presenting an exciting, educational and fun opportunity for individuals, businesses and others to learn more about water issues that impact all of us in every aspect of our lives. Our faculty will provide you with an overview of water law, discuss current

Water, Water Everywhere Workshop: August 24-27 Read More »

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