Event Calendar
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11 Apr
07:00 PM
11 Apr, 07:30 PM
Shadowcliff Website Event Launch Party
It's a Shadowcliff housewarming, and you're invited!
Our website has a new look, and we're excited to show it off! Join Shadowcliff board director Tina Casagrand Foss, board president Kelly Yarbrough, and other friends who helped transform Shadowcliff.org, including intrepid design volunteer Leslie Friesen. We'll give you a tour of the site, point out the new and the different, and say hello to friends.
Who: friends of Shadowcliff
What: a virtual tour + hangout
When: Thursday, April 11 at 6 p.m. MT
Where: On Zoom! Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsdumqqD8rHNB3Qih9DHbh_w0Znt4iBmcy
Why: to celebrate Shadowcliff and our new website!